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Submission Guidelines: Mss should be submitted for review as PDFs to David R Willingham, Editor, at Upon acceptance (following the standard 3-phase blind, peer review process), authors should submit their (revised) ms as a Word.doc, i.e., we cannot accept ms formatted using LaTeX or other formats. They should be double-spaced (including footnotes and a “Works Cited” section), with ample margins. Tables, rules, and similar displays should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses, i.e., (1), (2), etc. Footnotes are numbered consecutively with superior numbers in the text and should be included at the end of the ms as endnotes (endnotes will be transformed into footnotes in the text at the typesetting stage). Reference citations within the text are indicated by numbers in brackets, i.e., [1], [2], etc., and are keyed to the numbered reference list in the Works Cited section at the end of the article. Entries in the Works Cited section should conform to the following style:
1. Banfield, A. 1973. Narrative Style and the Grammar of Direct and Indirect Speech. Foundation of Language 10: 1-39. (journal article)
2. Chomsky, N. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (book)
3. Emonds, J. 1972. A Reformulation of Certain Syntactic Transformations. In Goals of Linguistic Theory, ed. By P.S. Peters. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (article in book)
4. Kayne, R.S. 1969. The Transformational Cycle in French Syntax. MIT doctoral dissertation. (PhD diss)
The title page should include: title only (i.e., no author’s name or affiliation; name(s) and affiliation(s) will be added following the review process). Submissions should contain an abstract of no more than 500 words in English.
Proofs. Authors will receive a proof which must be corrected and returned in a timely manner. No new material may be inserted in the text at the proofreading stage.
Page charges and reprints. There are no page charges. Authors will receive one copy of the printed book (or PDF) free of charge. Additional copies may be ordered at a special rate for authors.
Copyright. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will transfer copyright in the article to the Publisher. This transfer will insure the widest possible dissemination of information under the U.S. Copyright Law.