A peer-reviewed research journal publishing articles in formal phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. The journal has been in continuous publication since 1976. ISSN: 0098-9053

Rates and Order Information 

Linguistic Analysis (ISSN: 0098-9053) publishes one volume per year consisting of two double issues.

Linguistic Analysis has been independently published since 1976. All income from the sales of volumes, issues, and articles, supports the continued publication of the journal. Please encourage your colleagues and institutions to purchase copies.

We accept ongoing subscriptions for volumes of Linguistic Analysis from institutions, agents, and individuals.

Unlimited Access Pass – $999, renews annually

  • Billed annually
  • Accessed via IP authentication or by Username-and-Password
  • Unlimited Access allows access to all downloadable published materials on the website via IP Authentication or by Username-and-Password. For IP Authentication, email Subscriber Name and complete range of IP Authentication numbers (NUMBERS ONLY, NO ASTERISKS) to info@LinguisticAnalysis.com.
  • Unlimited Access passes are intended for use by one academic institution and its staff and/or students: i.e., Unlimited Access passes cannot be shared among multiple institutions.
  • Agent discounts available. Email info@LinguisticAnalysis.com for information.



Visit the Volumes page to order full volumes, double Issues, or individual articles of Linguistic Analysis online.  You can also order by sending your order information to the address below.

Note that we will continue to add back issues of Linguistic Analysis so please return to check out new online offerings.

Rates for individual Volumes and Issues

PDF version  (billed at time of purchase, available online only)

$134.00 per PDF Volume.

$75.00 per PDF Double Issue.

Articles priced as marked.

Print version  (billed at time of purchase)

$156.00 per print Volume plus postage

  • $20 postage to destinations within the U.S
  • $70 elsewhere

$94.00 per print Double Issue plus postage

  • $10 postage to destinations within the U.S
  • $35 elsewhere

Order/Payment options via Postal Service or Email

Agents: We accept Purchase Orders. Agent discounts available. Please inquire at info@LinguisticAnalysis.com. When ordering please include Bill-To address, Ship-To address, Purchase Order number, and book(s) you wish to purchase. All-Access pass orders please include your preference for IP Authentication (NUMBERS ONLY, NO ASTERISKS within the addresses) or for Username-and-Password access. For IP Authentication, email Subscriber Name and IP Authentication numbers (NUMBERS ONLY, NO ASTERISKS within the addresses) to info@LinguisticAnalysis.com.

Individuals or Institutions: Orders should include name, mailing address, email address, and book(s) you wish to purchase. You may include payment with your order, or we will send an Invoice. When payment is received, the book(s) will be sent. All-Access pass orders please include your email and preference for IP Authentication or for Username-and-Password access.


Mail orders to:

Linguistic Analysis
8832 SW Dilworth Rd
Vashon, WA 98070

Email orders to:



Payment Information:

We accept payment by checks drawn on U.S. banks (payable to “Linguistic Analysis”), we take Visa or Mastercard plus expiry date, security code and mailing code, and we have a PayPal account (payable to “Orders@LinguisticAnalysis.com). We also accept wire transfer. If paying by cc, PP, or Wire Transfer, please add $15 to the total.

Wire transfer of funds information:

Bank: Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union
Bank routing #: 325183259
Account Name: Delta Productions, DBA Linguistic Analysis
Bank account #: 791830168287


Contact us:

Linguistic Analysis
8832 SW Dilworth Rd
Vashon, WA 98070

tel.: +1 – (206) 605 1502
email: info@linguisticanalysis.com
URL: http://www.LinguisticAnalysis.com